Friday 12 July 2013

Day 4 | Friday | July 12

Today, I woke up early although my parents was in a good mood, maybe because I asked to listen to the Hypnosis that I just recently started as well [it worked( wink, wink)]. I was in my couch doing completely nothing, day dreaming but it doesn't really change a thing if Im just gonna keep dreaming without moving my ass out.

Now, Im here in my room, in front of the computer, hoping that someone emailed me with good feedback and wanting me for interview, but no. I guess company has been looking for people who is over qualified now because it's really hard to gamble money employing people, but I started searching for a job in Melbourne. It was stunning. It's like Pool of Hospitality Job. I started sending email, I hope someone will try to contact me sooner. I really need a job. If probably someone gonna call me, My dad and I will pack up our staff and head the road to drive to go to Melbourne. I'm excited, really. As my friend Katie told me, Changes is exciting like HOLIDAY. It really helped me when she said that. I was absolutely nervous but now it's nervous but excited.

I want to change something in my life, I imagined last night, If I found a job in Melbourne that I will love. I was chuffed that something will really change, chuffed as how I change my room the way it looks.

Remember when I said Im getting bored on things easily mostly if I don't get any benefits from it? Well, I'm honestly bored writing but it kinda really helps also, Someone special to me called me and told me, what I do is very inspirational, Cluelessly I have no idea why it's Inspirational. Also, everytime I log in and see how many audience I get daily made me want to write more.

Anyway, some guy emailed me and asked me how's it going with me and Nate. I have to say it's still flat between me and him. I don't really know what to do. I'm trying to focus on one thing, one thing only then if one thing is gone, I will start to think about the next, because putting more things in my mind is completely fine but if it's something terrible, it will drive people crazy and devastated.

Anyway, I heard and saw this Music Video from this YouTube Singer who sang "All-American Boy by Steve Grand"

All-American Boy - YouTube

Click the link to watch.

The message of the song is so realistic, It really features life of a Gay person who fell in love with his Straight Friend. It's awful but it's real.

Maybe this is it for today but who knows, it's still early, I might add some up later, well if you must. I Slow Cooked then Roast Chooks today. It taste good, Healthy too. Since I started Hypnosis my bad eating habit have been better. Last night mum bought Onion Rings from Hungry Jacks (Burger King). Smelt good but really I fought against the lust. :) It's good aye? In our fridge mum made some Macaroni Salad, Maybe, if Hypnosis didn't ever exist, that salad won't last more than 3 days to me, but it's still there. I have Kool-Aid too, since I started hypnosis I drink 1 Venti size Kool-Aid in 3 days. and I mostly drink water.

I have said my farewell, didn't I? well this is really it.



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