Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day 16 | Wednesday | July 24

It was my first time to rock up to work late. 6 minutes roughly, I mean that really first time ever amongst all my job this is the first time. I kind of thought it's a problem because I never wanted to wait for long so I don't want people to wait for me as well, but today it still hasn't change maybe I'm not going to be late again for a longer time. LOL. I was cleaning up half a day last tuesday but today I kinda felt I have to clean up a 'bit then do something more creative, I hate health inspector but I get where they are coming. Tomorrow I already wrote things up in my head to do list. It will be done before my day off on friday. :) 

I cooked Egg Noodles Laksa for my dinner, it's super. My mate did some sweet cakes I loved it.

Anyway, I heard The Fault In Our Stars by John Green will have a movie adaptation. I've read the books exactly 12 times hoping that the next time I read it, it will change the whole story, hoping that this time on the movie it won't change a thing. Also hoping that they'll see Troye Sivan's The Fault In Our Star song that he did in order to pay respect with the story and all. Hope they'll use his music.

I'm watching Breakfast Club right now for like 7 times too. I always say I'm picky or stuff but if I like or loved something, I make the most out of it. In all the aspect in life I always choose wisely.

Anyway, you all have a good day ahead of you okay?


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