Monday 12 August 2013

Day 34 | Monday | August 12

To tell you what, nothing interesting happened, my political views are like down and stuff, except from the endless road work so I have to walk 5 minutes extra to get to my next bus stop going to work. Hey Mr. Barnett, enough road work.

I'm really sorry but that's all I can say. I want to say something but Im flat out today. It's my off tomorrow and I will have football game.

Ohh, I have one, 2 Staff at work shows up, 1 walked out 1 didn't show up, My employer told me they're intimidated by me because I am new and they all went down, well I gotta say, Have the same working experience as mine, I'd probably argue with that, but my god it's really out of the question, and surprisingly my boss rehires them, then it makes me feel hopeless for the place, It won't work if only one person or 2 makes the effort for things to work out. I thought she has the guts to tell them not to come back, but nah. didn't happen. I mean yes they didn't rock up to work because they're intimidated but that can't be a unprofessional reason not showing up. It was really is a very bad decision but hey, Im just here to supervise but still, It would be a great thing, I don't know, someone from work said it's made up stories and shit, and I can even do that but I have nothing to do with their personal life, all I care is. Pay respect for the employer and that hasn't done and that was replaced by opposite. I really don't think that shit should happen. It was terrible. I have been a manager and I know, it kills to refuse or sack or not satisfy employee but that's part of being successful, you have to sacrifice in order to be in a good shape.

Well, I can't say anything, I just can't believe she changed her plans with simple reason but that just proves that she is a good person but not a staff handler.


Im not saying im against her, it's just it would be much better to have some strategy and stuff.

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